Friday, June 01, 2007
Floofy Friday: Trying To Be Cute
The good news is, the sun has finally come out here after days of rain.
The bad news is, I am feeling threatened. Yesterday my mum went out to get some charcoal filters for my litter box - shows she cares, I suppose. The problem is, she came back raving about these 9-week-old kittens she had seen, and how cute they were, and how there was this little black fluffy one that kept rubbing against her hand and licking her fingers and how cuuuuute it was...HEY! I do any licking of human fingers which needs doing around here, right? And if there's any being fluffy or cute which needs doing around here, I am perfectly capable of doing that too!
I do not need any little black fluffballs coming into my house licking my humans. No, thank you very much!
To make this clear, I have been excessively cute and loving towards my humans since yesterday - lots of lap-sitting, licking their faces, licking their hands, licking their hair, snuggling, purring, being cute...I have been working really hard! At this moment I am sitting on my mum who is sitting on the computer chair, and I am doing fluffy headbutts and a bit more hand-licking just to make sure she knows I am all the cute fluffy cat she needs.
Here is a picture to prove I am fluffy enough for any house:

And for anyone who wants a close-up of my cute little face:

P.S. I just noticed this is my 150th post! Hooray for me!
P.P.S. I am now paw-writing a sign to stick on the front door - it says NO KITTENS HERE!
P.P.P.S. Unfortunately the charcoal filters were out of stock, so she has to go back to the shop tomorrow. What if she meets the fluffy black kitten again? I need to get my dad to go instead...
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Oh my goodness! Yu filled up that ginormus kitty bed! Fat Eric, yu are the ultimate floofy gorgeous ginger kitty!
Eric, maybe yoo shood let her get yoo a kitten. Dey is fun to play wif and yoo cood trane it to do yoor bidding and den when bad stuff happens yoo cood blame it on da kitten!~Speedy
You need not worry, your Mom loves you more than anything. Young ones are hard for humans to resist.
I bet she prefers your kisses to any other kisses she might receive.
You need not worry, your Mom loves you more than anything. Young ones are hard for humans to resist.
I bet she prefers your kisses to any other kisses she might receive.
What a cutie you are! And you sure fill up that bed with floofiness.
Eric, you are very good at doing the Full Monty.
Eric, you are very good at doing the Full Monty.
You're looking fine, my floofy friend. I have the same problem- my beans keep talking the 'k' word, too. I'm not sure how I feel about it. As long as I'm in charge and I can whap the newcomer, I guess it would be OK.
Separate bowls, though!
Separate bowls, though!
Watch out! Keep up the cuteness and the cuddles, maybe that will help. That was my downfall, I didn't do it enough, and look what happened!
Your mum doesn't need cute kittens with all the cuteness you have got.
Concatyoolayshuns on your 150th. Post.
Concatyoolayshuns on your 150th. Post.
Eric, dood, I feel ya. Mine mombean came back from shopping for my chow chattering on about these 2 kittens she saw.
Humpf! I'm bigger than the 2 put together. What more do beans need?
Humpf! I'm bigger than the 2 put together. What more do beans need?
Eric that is my favorite sleeping position too! It's very comfy for us full figured guys isn't it.
It wasn't bad when mom brought Scout home. He was 6 weeks and we are pretty much best buddies now. But Scooby doesn't like him one bit.
It wasn't bad when mom brought Scout home. He was 6 weeks and we are pretty much best buddies now. But Scooby doesn't like him one bit.
Oh gudness, yer doing a grate job being supur cute! And why wuld she want a little kitten when she has a BIG fluffy furry monstur with yoo!?! This is so wurriesum. Gud job with the sine!
Well, I am very anxiously waiting for news - DID she go back to the shop? And WAS the fluffy black kitten there? And ?????
i'd be nervous too, eric! i know mama sees other kitties sometimes and would love to bring one home. i also know that i come first and she wouldn't do that to me.
now let me tell you why our moms and dads are drawn to babies...any kind of babies.
babies have round heads and big eyes (have you noticed this?). these features are supposed to make the babies cute. cute babies don't get eaten by their parents. (i know that sounds gross, but think about other species who might eat their babies...)
the scientific term for the 'cute baby' thing is neoteny.
try to stay positive, ok?
now let me tell you why our moms and dads are drawn to babies...any kind of babies.
babies have round heads and big eyes (have you noticed this?). these features are supposed to make the babies cute. cute babies don't get eaten by their parents. (i know that sounds gross, but think about other species who might eat their babies...)
the scientific term for the 'cute baby' thing is neoteny.
try to stay positive, ok?
Oh goodness. You're all the Man Cat that your mom needs! Great pose too. Concatulations on your 150th post!!! Yay!
We need that sign on our door, or something similar. NO MORE FREAKING CATS HERE!!!!! WE'RE FULL!!!!
Luf, Us
We need that sign on our door, or something similar. NO MORE FREAKING CATS HERE!!!!! WE'RE FULL!!!!
Luf, Us
eric, you is the ONLY mancat and ONLY floofy cat that your mommy needs. how dare she efenn FINK that anofurr kitty is cuter than you!
Hahahaha! That's a Full Eric!
Don't worry too much about a kitten, Eric. I've raised 3, and it's really not that bad. It's actually pretty cool being the Senior Cat and bossing everyone else around!
Don't worry too much about a kitten, Eric. I've raised 3, and it's really not that bad. It's actually pretty cool being the Senior Cat and bossing everyone else around!
Now what you are doing there is playing cutesy, that's what Mom calls it when I have been bad and I go and lay like that in front of her. She doesn't stay mad as long after I do that. Mom loves the flowers in the last post, she says they are beautiful. She has a yellow calla lily but it didn't bloom out as big this year. Your's is really nice. You stick to your guns Eric about the kittens.
Eric, you definitely look cute and very very floofy. We think that should be enough for your mum and dad, but if they do pursue the k thing, just be sure that you participate in its training. Maybe it could be just another servant for you.
Good luck!
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Good luck!
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