Monday, June 04, 2007
Monday Moaning

1. His humans went back to see the cute kittens again. The fluffy black one wrapped itself round the hand of Eric's mum and wanted her to play. Eric's dad didn't think the fluffy black one was that cute, but then he saw its sibling, the stripy silver tabby with the big blue eyes, and he went all gooey. They came home smelling of kitten and rabbiting on about how cute the kittens were. Eric was not happy about that.
2. His humans went out again and bought a new mowing monster for the back lawn. It makes a scary noise. Eric was not happy about that either.
3. Eric has been trying hard to be cute this weekend but he totally blew it yesterday by having some more "litterbox/dingleberry issues" and then deciding to jump on his humans in bed. It wasn't pretty, but let's just say it resulted in his mum having to wash the bedclothes, clean the carpet, wash the rear end of a struggling Eric and cut off a lot more floofy hair. Eric was so traumatised by all this that he hid for several hours afterwards.
4. Tonight he got pinned down again in a karate hold while all his front claws were clipped, and his struggles were in vain. He did get treats afterwards, but he still doesn't look very happy to me...
I have to go and cheer Eric up now and tell him to stop moaning. He should be like us Squillions, we are always smiling!
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Oh, poor Eric! I hope you will cheer up soon. I found out it is not fun to be sad. Maybe if your humans get a new kitten, you would love it! A new friend to play with! I think I would like a baby kitten.
Oh Eric, you are having a hard time. We think you need a holiday. You can come and stay with us furr a while if you like. The weather is lovely, just right furr rolling on paths, on the garden, in the fields.... Our mum will appreciate your cuteness and floofiness, and, THERE ARE NO KITTENS HERE!!!
Poor Eric! But maybe you'd like a little fluffy kitten (or two)? Just think of how much grooming they'd need. I love licking kittens!
This day reminds me of a song called "You've Had A Bad Day." Please tell Eric I hope Tuesday is terrific!
Sorry Eric, I love kittens. They're just the cutest little things and after awhile they start treating yoo like yoo are da king of der little worlds. It's a grate feeling...~Speedy
Oh Mandy, please give my purrs to Eric. I know he feels threatened by the beans going to see the kitten. It will all work out OK.
oh Eric, how horrible. now BOF of them are all gooey ofurr the kittens? we agree wif Willaim - you needs a bay-k-shun
Poor Eric - what a horrible time you are having. Try and think positive thoughts, you might like a kitten. We are hoping tomorrow will be a better day for you. Don't hide but come out so we can see your handsomeness!
Purrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
Purrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
Oh,dear. I think it's time to face grim reality, Eric. I think the chances of you remaining the spoilt only cat are increasingly slim. Chin up- I'm sure you can cope. Think of how much fun it will be to chase them around and pounce unexpectedly!
Remember you are still Head Cat and a Gorgeous Ginger!
Remember you are still Head Cat and a Gorgeous Ginger!
Wat oh! Dis ist not gud. Luks like u mite be gittin a baby kitty to smack arownd.
Hang in der, FE!
Luf, Us
Hang in der, FE!
Luf, Us
Poor Eric.I hate it when my mommy says other kittys are cute. Yet I think she knows better than to bring one home.I'm sending him a (Hug).
It sounds like you have really been suffering. I think you should be given extra treats for all you have suffered.
It sounds like you have really been suffering. I think you should be given extra treats for all you have suffered.
Mandy, tell Eric his hiding out is just the right thing to do. It denies his humans of his handsomness.
Oh-oh, now both Mum and Dad are going gooey over kittens? At least it's not the same kitten. That increases your chances of remaining a spoiled only cat. I'm sorry you have been having such a rough time. Things are bound to improve.
Hmmm. The cute kitten incident is troubling. My life was going along just fine until we had a cute kitten episode. Now I'm stuck with Catzee.
Mandy I sure hope you were able to cheer up Eric. Sounds like he is really down in the dumps. Maybe if Mom and Dad differ on the kittens it will keep them from getting any. I think he deserves some temptations. Gee, I wonder if you have any of those over across the big water.
Hi Fat Eric,
Thanks for visiting my blog. I love yours. I bookmarked it so I remember to read it everyday. I'm jealous that you live in London, I've always wanted to go there. Maybe one day...
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Thanks for visiting my blog. I love yours. I bookmarked it so I remember to read it everyday. I'm jealous that you live in London, I've always wanted to go there. Maybe one day...
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