
Wednesday, June 14, 2006


I Won A Prize!

I won a prize for being the 20,000th visitor to Oreo's blog! Which meant that I got another package from Mericky. Here I am checking out my prizes...treats, a new and different feather toy, and some tins of Fancy Feast, which is a kind of Mericky Stinky Goodness I've never had before. Thanks Oreo, I really like my prizes!

I am also very excited because The Amazing Zeus is coming to visit tomorrow! He has been travelling all over the place and tomorrow he is coming to London to see me. I hope he enjoys his visit.

There are lots of new kittens around the blogosphere now. One of my fellow Gorgeous Gingers, Rhett, has a new little brother called Rico, who is Ginger too. Rico is now the youngest (and possibly the cutest) Gorgeous Ginger, please go and say hello to him.

I haven't been able to visit many of my friends' blogs this week because my mum is using the computer a lot to write school reports, but I am really looking forward to the Catolympics - not long now!

Congrats on your prize and thanks for helping us introduce our new brother.
Congratulations Eric! You're sucha lucky kitty. Have fun with Zues tomorrow and don't wear yourself out before the Catolympics!
Fancy Feast is the original stinky goodness. Enjoy it. Oreo is the coolest! Have fun with Zeus!
Woohoo, goodies for Eric. See you at the Catolympics.
Congrats on being the 20,000 and getting all that great stuff. Is 20,000 more than a squillion?
Maybe it is just me but you look sort of underwhelmed in the picture. It made me chuckle. Don't worry, fancy feast is good stuff. I don't get it very often. And that toy looks like a good time. Probably you are just saving your energy.
Congrats on your prize Fat Eric!
Con-cat-u-lations on being the 20000 visitor to Oreo's blog-- that was some cool gifts you recieved.

Ooooo I know you'll have fun with Zeus. We sure did. He is one cool cat dude.

Rico is adorable. Thanks for the introductions.

Catgratulations! And wow! Purrliss take lotsa pikshurs of you and Zeus for all of us!

Nice prizes, Eric - enjoy!

Don't ya just hate it when the people say that they "hafta use the 'puter right now"?!?!
Congrats Eric! Also, I had TONS of fun with you in London. We'll have to do it again sometime soon!
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