Saturday, July 22, 2006
More Blogging BritCats

Today is quite a good day. My mum finally finished school for the summer yesterday; she came home all sweaty and tired with 6 bottles of wine, 12 boxes of rather melted chocolates and a mug that said "World's Best Teacher". Strangely, her class failed to give her any cat treats to pass on to me - she will have to train the next lot better!
Today my dad has gone to the Motor Show to see shiny cars. My mum and I are tired so we are having a quiet day at home. We had a rain shower this morning which made us feel cooler for about ten minutes, but it is still pretty humid and sweaty. We hung out on the patio while it was in shade this morning, my mum read the paper and I used one of her flowerbeds as a litter box but she caught me...oops. It has cooled down to around 85F today but is supposed to get back up to about 94F by Wednesday...not so good!
Missy is about to get a new little sister, KC - who is flying from Los Angeles to Houston at this very moment. What an exciting way to get a new sibling! You can check on KC's progress at Missy's blog, she is flying right now!
Hope all kitties have a good weekend.
Will go and check out those new blogging ginger boys. :-) Stay cool buddy.
It's a bit cooler here, too an rained a lot yesterday. Most places haf cold air blowers so it's not too bad. We had a bad storm that left the boy's school (where he goes fur daycare) wif no power. Sum trees an branches fell, but ours were okay. Since the storm woke the woman, Victor jumped on her an my man fur 2 AM play time. I just turned away frum the windoze an went back to sleep.
Stay cool, furiend!
Patches Lady
thanks for the link to 'Big' Eric & Flynn. they look like some cool kitties. Its really nice to meet fur-ends from across the pond. my person has a few days off as well, so I'm gonna be trying to get some extra treats. isn't that what they stay home for?
From fat Kim Kim in sunny Singapurr
You are in England, that is where my husband's family came from, long time ago.
Thanks for the post, and look at KC's sleeping picture closely. She is a gorgeous ginger, well, at least part of her is...she just has a lot of black tipped fur in patches. It is a strange and wonderous little kitten.
And KC said Fat Eric is very handsome.
The fact that she brought home no treats shows that you need to visit her class in the fall all give a short presentation. Sort of like "Career Day" when people tell the class about their'd tell about being a cat. That's sure to bring in a load of treats!
~~ Sanjee
I knows you is so glad your Momma is home wif you for the rest of the summer. Boy, sckool gets out late in England -- our kids are getting ready to go back to sckool in a few weeks. Just shows you how finks are different all over da world.
Hope the weather cools off a bit for you soon.
Thanks for lettin us know about Big E and Flynn they are real nice ornich poodins!
Keep Cool, my large furiend!
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