Sunday, October 15, 2006
Return Of The Yellow Chair!

Then, one day, my humans decided to move all the furniture around. A new blue sofa and chair appeared in the living-room and my favourite yellow chair...disappeared! I was quite upset, but after a while I discovered that the new chair was really quite comfortable, so I made the best of it.
A few days ago, I was upstairs on the landing helping my mum to empty the laundry basket (I'm such a good helpful boy). She went to look for something in the spare bedroom. Now, this may seem strange to you but the spare bedroom is a room I am not at all interested in. I never go in there, even though the door is left open. (There is never any food in there, so why would I be interested?) But for some reason, on this occasion, I decided to follow my mum into the spare bedroom. I wandered in there, and what do you think I saw? My yellow chair! It was in there all the time and I never realised! I was so surprised!
I tried jumping on it to see if it was as comfortable as ever, but unfortunately someone had decided to cover it with teddy bears so there wasn't enough room to get comfortable. Undaunted, I decided that maybe just being underneath it would be good enough.
Except for trips to the food dishes and the litter box, I have been underneath it pretty much ever since...yay for the yellow chair!
The Monsters
Our Mum says she can hear you snoring in the second photo. heehee.
We think those teddies need to be licked by the famous Fat Eric method. That'll teach 'em!
But if the yellow chair is in the spare room now, that may be even better. You can go in there and sleep on your favourite chair, and no one will come and disturb your naps!
just give those stuffed critters a few good, swift bunny-kicks and all will be right again. many happy naps to you in the comfortable company of your yellow chair!!
purrs from
nels, ed, nitro, & xing
I love your pictures. You are really a very very cool dude.
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