Monday, May 14, 2007
ManCat Monday & 7 Random Things Meme

Lots of cats tagged me for the 7 Random Things About Me meme, so here goes...
1. I like to start the morning by getting on my dad's pillow and licking his hair.
2. My favourite flavour of stinky goodness is Tuna.
3. I am excellent at getting treats out of my rolling treat dispenser (Snacky Mouse).
4. I am scared of the vacuum cleaner and loud banging noises.
5. I like chasing frogs but I have only ever caught one.
6. There is a bush with pink flowers in our garden and I like to rub myself all over it.
7. Sometimes I scratch up the carpet in the living room even though I am not supposed to.
I think most cats have been tagged for this meme now but if you haven't yet, do join in. My humans are happy today because they went to see a football (soccer to Mericky people) match yesterday at the new Wembley stadium and my mum's hometown team won.
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I feel it is completely manly to be afraid of the vacuum. I think something is wrong with cats who aren't afraid of it!
Eric, that is a very manly pose. Look at your big white ruff! Just like a LION!
I have one of those treat dispenser games too. You get to eat treats right out of the RAT'S MOUTH! What could be better?
I have one of those treat dispenser games too. You get to eat treats right out of the RAT'S MOUTH! What could be better?
wow, that is a very handsome man cat pose eric. you look smashing. love those floofy furs. great meme, we loves learning all about our friends!
concatulations to your mommy's team winning. that is great!
concatulations to your mommy's team winning. that is great!
It's fun reading everyone's getting to get to know more of you random things. I like chasing frogs too, but there haven't many of them around this year. Guess it might have been that we didn't get enough rain. Mom saves them anyway and doesn't like me to bat them around. Glad to hear your Mom's team won, bet she sure was happy.
Handsome, Eric!
You look like you have just been freshly brushed!
Rubbing on those flowers is kind of like cat cologne, hmmm?
You look like you have just been freshly brushed!
Rubbing on those flowers is kind of like cat cologne, hmmm?
Eric you are look very manly as you enjoy your garden time. Glad your mum's team won their match. That makes being outside in bad weather much easier to tolerate.
Yes mum knows that your school term doesn't end for another two months. But at least your mum is closer to the end than the beginning.
Some schools here, mainly univeristy level are finished for the year. Secondary and primary schools have 3-4 weeks left.
Yes mum knows that your school term doesn't end for another two months. But at least your mum is closer to the end than the beginning.
Some schools here, mainly univeristy level are finished for the year. Secondary and primary schools have 3-4 weeks left.
Hi, Eric! Do you like the Snacky Mouse? The Feeders considered getting one, but are weren't sure if I would like it.
The English Feeder was very excited to hear that your humans saw one of the first finals... in person! We watch football here, but there's not much choice in matches. For the past few years, the English Feeder used to listen to his hometown team play on the radio. He's dedicated!
The English Feeder was very excited to hear that your humans saw one of the first finals... in person! We watch football here, but there's not much choice in matches. For the past few years, the English Feeder used to listen to his hometown team play on the radio. He's dedicated!
Hi Eric, Good to see you again. I'm sorry I haven't been by in a while. Actually I've been in to visit, but I just didn't stop to chat. My lady peep has been hogging the computer lots lately. But, she's going on vacation and I'm going to stay at my buddy Marble's house. Whoo hoo.
Wow, you are one serious Mancat, look at that statuesque form!
(What's a snacky mouse? Do they come in flavors?)
(What's a snacky mouse? Do they come in flavors?)
Eric, Eric!!! I must see a picture of this "treat dispenser" you mention in #3. I LOVE treats and if I could get them by myself, it'd be great!
Maxwell Smartkitty
Maxwell Smartkitty
That is a great picture of you. You look very very manly in it with your lion mane of furrs. Just so handsome.
That is a great picture of you. You look very very manly in it with your lion mane of furrs. Just so handsome.
Hi Eric you are looking as handsome and manly as ever.Did you find that when you caught a frog it made your mouth froth? Ours did, so now only bat them.
That's a beeyoutiful picture of you FE!! Sally lufs to scratch up the carpet here.
We're glad your mom's football team won!
Luf, Us
We're glad your mom's football team won!
Luf, Us
Fat Eric, these are very interesting facts about you. I think it is very nice that you have a Snacky Mouse. I am also impressed you caught a frog!
hi eric,
u got a nice blog. i'm starting a new blog about cats at:
added ur link there. would appreciate if u reciprocate :)!
u got a nice blog. i'm starting a new blog about cats at:
added ur link there. would appreciate if u reciprocate :)!
Lookin' good, my floofy friend! Mum is trying to cuddle you through the computer-AGAIN! Honestly, you'd think she's never seen a gorgeous ginger before!
Our mom just LOVES that photo. You have the most gorgeous neck ruff and you are one very handsome mancat.
Oh Eric - you are SO handsome! Would you mind going out with me one day for some catnip???
I hope I didn't offend... but you are just too striking to resist...
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I hope I didn't offend... but you are just too striking to resist...
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