Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Widebody Wednesday
Some time ago, Mitten the Smitten Kitten in New Zealand posted some pictures of him sleeping on the legs of his human, and he said it would be all right for me to borrow his picture to show you:

Well, when my mum saw that picture of Mitten she said, "Eric can do that too!" but then for ages she couldn't get a picture to prove it (because usually if I am sleeping on her legs she can't get up to get the camera!) But now there is photographic evidence so you can see that I can do this pose too! (by the way, my mum is the one wearing the brown socks and the wrinkly jeans, in case you were wondering).

And this one is me after the flashy camera thing woke me up:

Does anyone else sleep in this position?
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No I don't sleep on my back. That shows you are furry comfortable with your beans and you show your vunerable spot while sleeping!
I sleep on my back, but not on my beans- they fidget too much. I sit on Mum's chest and purr and drool, though.
Mittens looks like a nice kitty and you are are looking your magnificent floofy self...
Mittens looks like a nice kitty and you are are looking your magnificent floofy self...
I sleep on my back too. Mum laffs at me cuz I lie on the floor, then over I go, and sleep like that furr hours. I like sleeping on my mum's legs too like yoo Fat Eric.
I sometimes lie on my back, but not on my humans' legs. I prefer to perch on their legs or curl up in their laps. I do like to lie on my back on my Gizzy quilt in the sun, though.
Great photos, Eric. :)
Great photos, Eric. :)
Great photos. You look very comfortable their on your Mum legs Eric. Last photo is too, cute. I sleep on my back, but only on the floor. Tigger never sleeps on his back. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Samantha & Tigger
Samantha & Tigger
I have caught Ping doing this in fact he does it alot. Since I am a Manx and my backbone isn't formed normally I don't like being on my back at all. Momma thinks it is really cute when I roll because I am like a ball of furr since I am round. But we think you have the cutest floofies tummy...Momma would like to give you some tummy rubs.
I have caught Ping doing this in fact he does it alot. Since I am a Manx and my backbone isn't formed normally I don't like being on my back at all. Momma thinks it is really cute when I roll because I am like a ball of furr since I am round. But we think you have the cutest floofies tummy...Momma would like to give you some tummy rubs.
Those are great pictures for Widebody Wednesday!!! Sometimes we'll end up like that on Maw or Paw's legs. But we mostly end up with tummy up on the cat hammocks in the windows where the sun can warm our belly furs. Yup!
Luf, Us
Luf, Us
Sadie will do dat...we just love yoor little curled up feets. Mom wood be kissing yoor belly till der was no more fur on it.
You know I do--and I think my humans have actually posted a photo of it--of course there was a blanket over the humans legs so it wasn't quite so obvious but I looked every bit as comfy!
I like to lay on my back in the sunshine (basking is fun). But I never slept like that on my Mommie's legs before. I like to stretch out on my tummy when I am on her lap.
You are so floofy that you would be a wonderful lap-warmer!
You are so floofy that you would be a wonderful lap-warmer!
Oh boy, we are smiling at your picture - such adorable floofiness! We never sleep on our backs like that but our Cousin Alice does that a lot! Sometimes we post her picture on Wednesdays - she is about 20 pounds of kitty, but she's not as floofy as you.
Purrrrs, China Cat & Willow
Purrrrs, China Cat & Willow
Hey Wide Eric! You look kind like me, except I've very skinny because I never stop moving. I'm new to the blogging and glad to meetcha! Come visit me:
Peach Man
Peach Man
Of course I sleep like that Eric! All us well proportioned guys do, I think! But I don't do it on the peoples legs, just on the floor! -Shaggy
Wow! Those are some fantastic pictures! I don't often sleep like that on the Feeders' legs, but when it's hot, I sleep on the floor like that.
Good luck getting through school reports! I hope your mum is giving you the attention you so rightly deserve.
Good luck getting through school reports! I hope your mum is giving you the attention you so rightly deserve.
I don't do that yet, but hopefully I'll be more comfy with my mommy and daddy soon.
I love love love that floofy belly pose of yours! Great look of irritation at being woken up too. ha ha ha
I love love love that floofy belly pose of yours! Great look of irritation at being woken up too. ha ha ha
Very funny! I do sleep in that position but NOT between the two-legs! Karl
I do sleep between the two-legs but not in that position. Anastasia
We both invite you to our lizard BBQ, come on over!
I do sleep between the two-legs but not in that position. Anastasia
We both invite you to our lizard BBQ, come on over!
Hello Eric,
This is a nice suprise for Mum to come home to, do you think we are related cos we sleep the same way????????
This is a nice suprise for Mum to come home to, do you think we are related cos we sleep the same way????????
I LOVE to lie on my back with my feets up in the air. Mum says I snore when I sleep like this, but it doesn't bother me at all.
Eric, I know this is a bit late, but I just had to tell you! I sleep the exact same way on my Dad's legs, but usually he puts a light blanket on me so no one bothers me. You know, a guy does need a certain amount of privacy.
Hey now, floofy fellow, I've been known to sleep that way too. Just dropped by to see what's new and different. Hope everything's OK down your way...
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