Monday, September 17, 2007
Looking After Mum
We had an amusing incident tonight. I was watching TV with my humans and my dad wanted to find the TV guide. He looked all over the living room for it - on the sofa, under the sofa, behind the TV, on the table...he even went into the kitchen looking for it. I was watching him and "laffin and laffin", as Jeter Harris would say. Guess what? I was lying on the TV guide! When I had finished enjoying the joke, I got up and strolled off and there it was all the time!
My mum is a bit stressed out at the moment because she is finding her new class very hard work. Although they are the same age as last year's class, who were mostly very nice, this lot will need a lot of training before their behaviour is how she wants it. She reckons it could take until Christmas to get them into shape! I am trying to relieve her stress by purring and snuggling with her a lot. My dad tried to cheer her up yesterday by buying her a pencil topper for one of her teacher's pencils. What do you think? Does it remind you of anycat?

My dad is going away tomorrow morning to Scotland for a few days. He wants to climb Ben Nevis. He has climbed it twice before but never quite got to the top, and he says if he doesn't do it this time he'll be too old! I am in charge of looking after my mum and the house until he comes back on Friday night. Keep your paws crossed that he gets to the top this time and doesn't fall off!
Good luck to your Dad-we're pulling for him. I think he'll be able to do it this time- third time's a charm!
Take care and it's always good to hear from you.
Good luck to the Dad on mountain climbing.
Glad you like your new food. Keep that old diabetes thing under control.
Well done on getting Stinky Goodness that yoo like. You're doing well wiv your diabetes.
Enjoy the new goodness!!
Hope you get to a point where your Diabetes treatment is firmly in control. My Mommy has it and says control is the most important thing!
Your Dad is brave!
Good luck to your dad on his big climb.
That is a great joke with the TV Guide. Bendrix is rolling on the ground laffin and laffin. Me too!
Enjoy the special time with your mommy. Good job with the extra snuggles. She'll need it after a day of unruly sticky little people.
I like your Mum's new pencil topper - I hope her kids start behaving.
Oh yes, and good luck to your Dad on climbing Ben Nevis!
All the best - from one sugar cat to another!!!
Purrrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
i wuz laffin an laffin dat u were hidin yer dad'z tv guide!
wut duz yer mom teech?
mi mom teechez 3rd, 4th, an 5th grade. she offen helpz wid spellin. she'z a grate teecher ... she taught me howta spell!
We're sorry to hear that the new class needs some serious help. Bummer.
Luf, Us
First of all, our woman knows and understands the stress of teachers. We have teachers in our family and she even trained to be a teacher but she chickened out. It's a huge responsibility and very stressful and so please give extra purrs and cuddles to your mum.
Secondly, good job on your diabetes management.
Finally, good luck to your daddy. Personally, I don't understand why anyone would want to exert themselves so fully except to climb the stairs to take a nap on the bed but hey... different strokes for different folks.
Pearl and Pumpy
Yes, that cat looks familiar. It's a good representation of a certain ginger guy we all know!
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