Saturday, January 26, 2008
Saturday Caturday
Wow! I am overwhelmed by all the congratulations I had on my second blogoversary this week - I didn't know I had so many friends! I am going to make sure my human helps me visit all my friends' pages this weekend and not accept any excuses from her about "being busy" or "doing schoolwork"!
There seem to be lots of cats in the news lately. This cat was in the news for doing something a bit silly - apparently she used to live in London like me, but one day she decided to jump on a lorry and go for a ride, and now she is in Devon (nearer to where Eric and Flynn live than to where my Devon Grandma lives) and she is having some trouble telling the humans her address. I hope she manages to get home soon. Maybe she was trying to visit Eric and Flynn?
There seem to be lots of cats in the news lately. This cat was in the news for doing something a bit silly - apparently she used to live in London like me, but one day she decided to jump on a lorry and go for a ride, and now she is in Devon (nearer to where Eric and Flynn live than to where my Devon Grandma lives) and she is having some trouble telling the humans her address. I hope she manages to get home soon. Maybe she was trying to visit Eric and Flynn?
I have some other cat stories for you today. One story was on the front page of our local newspaper this week. It is a true story about a handsome black cat called Benjamin Banana. When he was quite young, some humans decided they didn't want him any more, so they left him on the doorstep of a local cat rescue shelter in a banana box (that's how he got his name). That was TWO YEARS ago and he is still at the shelter waiting for a new home. The humans at the shelter say they don't know why no one wants to adopt him, maybe because people think black cats are unlucky. Which is ridiculous! I remember being at a cat shelter myself for a month waiting for my humans to come and adopt me, I can't imagine being there for TWO YEARS!!! We really hope that now his picture has been on the front page of the newspaper someone will run to the shelter and adopt him. (I had to restrain my mum from heading down there herself.) Let's all send purrs and hope that Benjamin Banana finds a home very soon.
Here is another story. Do you remember my friend English Daisy?
Daisy used to live near me and she was also friends with the Big Piney Woods Cats. Daisy went to the Rainbow Bridge last November and her humans were very sad and so was everyone else who knew her. When she was still around, Daisy didn't want any other cats in her house, but her humans used to feed some stray cats and give them shelters to sleep in, in their garden. One of the stray cats was called Fat Tabby. This is a picture my mum took of Fat Tabby once when she was visiting Daisy and the guinea pigs.

After Daisy went to the Bridge, Fat Tabby decided to stop being an outdoor stray cat and move in with Daisy's humans - obviously she thought it looked like a pretty good place to live! Now she really likes being an indoor cat and she has changed her name to Tabs. Unfortunately Tabs has some health problems herself, after all that time being an outdoor cat, but she is being very well looked after and enjoying her new life. Isn't it great when another cat moves into her forever home?
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Hi Fat Eric!
We are so sorry we missed your anniversary! CONCATS x 10!
Also that is such heartwarming news about Tabs!
Your fans in NC...
We are so sorry we missed your anniversary! CONCATS x 10!
Also that is such heartwarming news about Tabs!
Your fans in NC...
Oh noes, I'm sorry I missed your 2nd blogoversary. ConCATulations:) I do hope the lorry-riding cat finds her beans soon and that Benjamin Banana finds a furrever home like, yesterday! I would take him in a blink if I lived nearer. Sheesh, what's up with people, abandoning like that in the first place and then nobody taking him. 2 years is a LONG time. Poor Benjamin. I LOVE black cats and they are not unlucky. I'm sorry to hear that English Daisy went to the Bridge but am glad for Tabs:) xxx
Hi Eric. That is great about Tabs. Maybe she knew she needed to give love to English Daisy's parents. Anyway, we hope the lost cat finds her owners and we also hope someone adopts Ben Bananas.
Roxy & Lucky
Roxy & Lucky
Sheesh to have to wait two years for a new home? I was only stuck in the shelter for about three weeks. That was long enough.
Nice that Tabs has moved inside. Some kitties have all the right moves.
Nice that Tabs has moved inside. Some kitties have all the right moves.
We never understand why some very wonderful cats take so long to get adopted.
That's great news about Tabs. It looks like English Daisy left behind a great legacy.
That's great news about Tabs. It looks like English Daisy left behind a great legacy.
What great news about Tabs! I'm sure she gave her new family a lot of comfort as well. I'm so gald.
I'll send Benjamin Banana good thoughts and hope he finds a loving home soon. We black cats aren't at all unlucky, some beans are just stoopid.
I'll send Benjamin Banana good thoughts and hope he finds a loving home soon. We black cats aren't at all unlucky, some beans are just stoopid.
That's good news that Tabs has got a furrever home wiv English Daisy's family.We hope Benjamin Banana gets a nice furrever home very soon, and that the lost kitty finds his Beans again.We have probably asked you befurr,but we can't remember, where does Devon Grandma live?
Hi Eric!
It is really good news about Tabs. I bet hte beans are happy to have a kitty inthe house again. I know mine mombean could never live with out a kitty in the house. Once you've been owned by a kitty you can't go back!
It is really good news about Tabs. I bet hte beans are happy to have a kitty inthe house again. I know mine mombean could never live with out a kitty in the house. Once you've been owned by a kitty you can't go back!
Poor Benjamin! I can't even imagine what he's enduring. People need to know that black cats aren't unlucky at all--just ask my mom!
Tabs looks like my sister Sophie (who went to the Bridge)! I'm glad she adopted Daisy's humans.
Oh, and speaking of moms, did your mum every get that photo of Russell?
Tabs looks like my sister Sophie (who went to the Bridge)! I'm glad she adopted Daisy's humans.
Oh, and speaking of moms, did your mum every get that photo of Russell?
What a nice post! WE love the pichers of English Daisy and Tabs. Tabs reminds us of our own Winter Ghost, who we have only seen a few times.
We have trouble commenting on blogs, so excuse us, it is Momma's fault for not having high speed internet. She says she can't get it in the woods.
We have trouble commenting on blogs, so excuse us, it is Momma's fault for not having high speed internet. She says she can't get it in the woods.
Do you think it is possible that Daisy's spirit had a little talk with Tabs and encouraged her to move in?
We're so pleased that Tabs has found a forever home, and she's probably helping Daisy's humans too!
It's so sad about Benjamin Banana - we don't understand how every kitty doesn't have a wonderful forever home.
It's so sad about Benjamin Banana - we don't understand how every kitty doesn't have a wonderful forever home.
Happy bewated bwogoversawy! I do hope that kitty who got herself wost to Devon gets to go home soon!
Wow I hope Ben gets a forever home. 2 years is awful to have to wait!
Hooray for Tabs, It's good be to inside!
Hooray for Tabs, It's good be to inside!
That's great that Tabs has a home now. I hope the traveling cat will be back in her home soon, and the cat at the shelter gets adopted. Two years is such a long time to be waiting for a home :(
Thanks for visiting my blog. My grammie adopted a cat that had been at the shelter for about 3 years. Hopefully that cat gets adopted. I will come back and visit again.
shelby aka the fatman
shelby aka the fatman
Wow, those were innerestin stories! We hope the kitty finds her way home after the lorrie ride. Benjaimin Banana seems like a nice kitty, we sure hope he finds ANY home. An Fat Tabby is lucky to find a home wif da Beins who were missin Daisy.
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