
Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Widebody Wednesday and Wish Us Luck

Remember how Monty sent me a mini-Squillion? Well, I have been having some fun with the box it came in. Look what happens if my mum puts some Greenies inside to torture me...
Don't worry, I can get them out no problem, so it's not really torture!

Or maybe I am just hiding my head in the box out of nerves because of tonight's BIG BIG BIG game! My mum is so nervous (and she is wearing blue today of course)! Come on Chelsea!!!

*EDITED to add*
They lost. (but only after extra time and a penalty shoot-out) We are sad.

Good luck, we've been watching them get the turf ready on the news.
oh boy!! GOOD LUCK CHELSEA!!!!

that looks like fun, not torchur! hee hee
I love squeezing into small places!
hehe I like it when momma puts treats in boxes! They are fun to get out!
We hope your team wins! Mom's team in ice hockey got eliminated, so it would be good for somebody's team to be successful.
Those are cute pictures Eric!
I'm glad yur hed wuzzint stuck in thare...not without a lifetime supply of Greenies! Hope yur teem wins!
Go, Chelsea, go!
Go, Chelsea, go...what's a Chelsea? Dat looks like a really fun box to stick yoor head into. Speshully fur greenies.
no fair! you have to work for your Greenies? i guess it is kinda like getting a nummy mousie from a hole. you're a great hunter.

Go Chelsea!!!!! We'll purr for a big win.
mom puts treats in the bottom of a plastic bag from WalMart (ASDA) an' lets ed go at 'em--he's so loves to tooth-puncture plastic that he's confused as to whether he should eat the treats or nibble the bag!! now, THAT's torture!

GO, CHELSEA!! man u stinks!!
Yeah, our mom thinks it funny to do that too! We'll purr for a big win!
That was not nice of your Mum to torture you like that. But at least she used a box big enough for your head to fit in, so you could eat your treats :-)
Haha if there's Greenies in a box, it's never too small to get your head in.
Good luck to Chelsea.
Good luck Chelsea. Erix, you look so cute in those photos. Just too funny.

Well, maybe you can get the Greenies out of the box... the real question is can YOU get out of the box big guy?
Oh, I am sorry your team lost! But you are a winner with those greenies!
Oh Eric I am bummed about your team not winning. Mum followed the game on the BBC website. They were in the shoot out when it was time to come home. They were down 5-4 at the time. Oh well, have a few more greenies to cheer yourself up.
I don't know what a game is and I don't know what Chelsea is, but I is sad that you is sad. Don't be sad!
Oh Eric, you look like you are having fun I think with that box, but I don't know if its fun, if you are stuck in the box. Poor kitty. Hope you got to the treats!
That looks like fun. Mom always lets us play with boxes too. We are sorry to hear that your team lost.

Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
My mom laughs at me because I'm always trying to fit into tiny boxes like that!!

Sorry your team lost :(

-Jasper McKitten-Cat
Oh, what fun. A box. We kitties play in them and the woofies snack on them.
I wish there was a tiny camera inside the box so we could see what your face looks like in there! :)
Eric, Eric...are you OK? You're not still stuck in the box are you?!
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