Sunday, October 26, 2008
Happy Purrthday to ME!!!
Yes, it is my purrthday! Today is the 5th anniversary of my Gotcha Day and also my official 13th purrthday. I am a teenager!
Thank you so much for all the purrthday wishes I have already received. Plus, my friend Derby sent me a great e-card and my friends at Zoolatry have done this special purrthday picture for me:
So far I have had a quiet morning. We all had an extra hour's sleep after the clocks went back last night. It is raining very hard outside. My mum and my Cornish Auntie had bagels with cream cheese for breakfast and, as it is my purrthday, I was allowed some licks of cream cheese - yummy! Also I am having TUNA for lunch instead of my diet stinky goodness. I seem to be getting lots of cuddles too. My mum says that any of my friends who want can come over and hang out with me. I love purrthdays!
Thank you so much for all the purrthday wishes I have already received. Plus, my friend Derby sent me a great e-card and my friends at Zoolatry have done this special purrthday picture for me:

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Happy Happy Birthday to you, dear Eric! It sure sounds like you are gonna have a great day! I'm gonna go over and hang out with you to help you celebrate!
Happy Birthday and Happy Gotcha Day!
Happy Birthday and Happy Gotcha Day!
Happy Purrthday to you Eric! We're glad you got some special foods - cream cheese and TUNA! Enjoy your day,
Gypsy & Tasha
Gypsy & Tasha
Happy Purrthday to our good buddy, Eric! A teenager you are today! Let the good times roll!
Laila and Minchie
Laila and Minchie
Happy happy birfday Fat Eric! Mommie is givin yoo lots of virtual hugs. We will be teleporting right ofur to come an play.
Happy Purrthday, Eric! We hope you have a great day!
After we're done napping this morning, we'll be over to play!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
After we're done napping this morning, we'll be over to play!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
Happy Happy Birthday, Eric! We hope today is extra-specially wonderful for you!
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers and Purrs Gang
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers and Purrs Gang
Happy Purrday, Eric. We hope you have a lovely day, even though it is cold and wet and miserable outside.
Hey, Fat Eric, Happy Purrthday to you! And many more. Since you're now a teenager, we hope you aren't going to turn rebellious.
It sounds like you have a purrfect day planned. Enjoy it!
It sounds like you have a purrfect day planned. Enjoy it!
we is so happy that you are our furriend and we wish you the bestest purrfday efurr!!!!
we is so happy that you are our furriend and we wish you the bestest purrfday efurr!!!!
Smooches! Smooches! Smooches! Smooches! Smooches! Smooches! Smooches! Smooches! Smooches! Smooches! Smooches! Smooches! Smooches!
There are 13 big smooches for you!
Happy Birthday Sweetie!
There are 13 big smooches for you!
Happy Birthday Sweetie!
Happy Birthday, Eric! Enjoy your day and we hope you get LOTS of goodies and skritches!
Toby and Cupcake
Toby and Cupcake
Happy Birthday, Eric! Tuna sounds wonderful. I think since you are thirteen, you deserve tuna for thirteen days. Have a wonderful birthday and enjoy all those extra cuddles.
happiest of purrthdays, dear furriend!! cream chese is heavenly and a purrfect purrthday treat. we hopes you enjoy your tuna and the wonderful, healthy, fun year that follows. bless you, dear eric!!
--the meowers
--the meowers
Happy Purthday Eric! We're all coming over to give yoo big purrthday hugs...enjoy yoor tuna and all da extra cuddles!
We had to stop by again today and wish you and official Happy Happy Birthday and Gotcha Day, Eric! We loves you and are teleporting over to celebrate with you!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Happy Birthday Big Guy... you're one of the best!
Now just cause you're a teener doesn't mean you can drink, drive, go wild and crazy... stick with the tuna juice, but ENJOY!
Now just cause you're a teener doesn't mean you can drink, drive, go wild and crazy... stick with the tuna juice, but ENJOY!
A FURRY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! Whimpurr has a gift for you, can you give us your e-mail addy? You can email us at
Happy 13th Purrfday and 5th Gotcha Day! How great is all that?? Too cool! We'll pop on over and hang out for a bit.
Luf, Us
Luf, Us
Happy Purrthday to you Fat Eric. Happy Gotcha Day too. Glad the e-card arrived safely! Enjoy the extra snuggles, treats and attention. We get our extra hour of sleep next weekend.
Happiest of Happy Purrthdays to you Fat Eric! It sounds like your well on your way to having a really great day! We'll come over and play - and we'll bring you some super nip!
I say old man!!
Hap-purr-y day to you!
Birthdays and Gotcha days are just the best. You gots T-U-N-A :) What could be better than that? Well, how about gazillion more gotcha days!
Purrs and head bummpies to you mine friend.
Hap-purr-y day to you!
Birthdays and Gotcha days are just the best. You gots T-U-N-A :) What could be better than that? Well, how about gazillion more gotcha days!
Purrs and head bummpies to you mine friend.
Happy Birthday dear friend! You're a heck of a Mancat! here's to many more birthday parties together.
i brought a thermos of niptinis. want some?
PS i loooooove that you're on the sofa and your daddy is on the floor
i brought a thermos of niptinis. want some?
PS i loooooove that you're on the sofa and your daddy is on the floor
We hope you have a very Happy Purrthday, Eric! Cream cheese, tuna and extra cuddles are all great ways to celebrate your purrthday!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Happy Purrthday, Fat Eric! I'm hoping that such a gorgeous ginger as you has a simply wonderful day!
Purrrrrrrrs, China Cat
Purrrrrrrrs, China Cat
Happy Birthday to our favorite floofy friend!!!!! We almost didn't come on line today and we are glad we did, or we'd have missed this event!! Happy Happy Happy Day!!
WOooooo-hooooooo! Big Eric's Purrthday! And you's a teenager! Wait, our boy is 13 too! Weird. Here's yur SONG!
Hippo Birdie Two Ewes,
Hippo Birdie Two Ewes,
Hippo Birdie Deer Eric,
Hippo Birdie Two Ewes!
... and many moooooooooore!
Purrs and licks,
Victor & Nina
Hippo Birdie Two Ewes,
Hippo Birdie Two Ewes,
Hippo Birdie Deer Eric,
Hippo Birdie Two Ewes!
... and many moooooooooore!
Purrs and licks,
Victor & Nina
Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuu!
purrrrrs and kitty hugs from
Kashim and Othello
sandpaper kissies from
purrrrrs and kitty hugs from
Kashim and Othello
sandpaper kissies from
Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy 5th Gotcha Day and 13th Purrthday Fat Eric and many, many, many mooooore!!! We'll hang out with you and keep you company!!
Your FL furiends,
Your FL furiends,
Happy Purrfday to our furrend Fat Eric. We had to get the compooter working so we could send you our bestest purrfday wishes.We hope you had a great day and now we are going to teleport up to see you right now cuz we've got no Beans here to tell us we can't.
Purrs furrom
Eric and Flynn
Purrs furrom
Eric and Flynn
A furry happy purrthday, Floofy Eric. Concatulations on becoming an offishul teenager.
I broughted you some catnip ice cream, yum.
Love & Purrs,
I broughted you some catnip ice cream, yum.
Love & Purrs,
Wow, 13, right near Halloween! Happy 13th Birthday Eric and many, many, more!!! =^Y^=The Cat Street Boyz
A teenager, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, now that was a good one!!!!
Happy Birthday Fat Eric!
And what is that about a quiet morning??? We should have come over for some house trashing.... maybe we still can do some..... OZ - hairballs - Tintin - claws - get ready!
Happy Birthday Fat Eric!
And what is that about a quiet morning??? We should have come over for some house trashing.... maybe we still can do some..... OZ - hairballs - Tintin - claws - get ready!
Hi Eric, Happy Gotcha Day and Birthday!! Come on over to the M-Cats Club, when you get a free minute and I'll buy you a drink to celebrate!
Hi 5 paw,
Hi 5 paw,
Happy 13th Birthday and 5th Gotcha Day, Eric! I hope you had a super wonderful time. Cream cheese and tuna sounds great, along with all the extra snuggles.
Oooo, Happy Berfday to mine fellow floofy gorgeous ginger buddy! Let us know how it feels being a teenager. That's a long way away fur me since I'm only 3!
Gosh Eric, I'm sorry, I missed your 13th birthday yesterday. Please accept Belated Birthday Greetings from me. I hope you had a most excellent day with lots of treats, love and fun!
Oh, cats & rats...we missed your party 'cause Mom didn't let us visit anyone yesterday!
Well anyway, belated happy 13thh purrthday wishes, Eric. Hope you had a great day with lots of treats & presents.
Well anyway, belated happy 13thh purrthday wishes, Eric. Hope you had a great day with lots of treats & presents.
Belated birthday wishes to you, dear handsome Eric! We hope you had a wonderful day and many happy years ahead.
Yay! Happy purrrrrrthday to you Eric. Yummy yummy tuna, nom nom nom. Love & head-buts from Mr Woo xx
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