Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Widebody Wednesday
This is my fleece bed behind the armchair in the living room, next to the radiator. It is actually a d-o-g bed as the so-called cat beds on sale were of insufficient width to accomodate my manly frame.

I have an interesting relationship with this fleece bed. During the summer I completely ignore it. I never go near it. I pretend that it does not exist. Then, one evening every October when it starts getting chilly in the evenings and my mum starts turning the heating on for an hour or so, I suddenly remember that my fleece bed exists and I go and find it again. Then I spend hours in it every day snuggling by the radiator. But then, each spring, in early April when things start to warm up, I abandon my fleece bed again and won't go near it until October. My humans think this is very amusing of me. I suppose you could call it my "winter bed".
As it is November, and quite chilly and damp at the moment, I have been spending a lot of time in my fleece bed lately. I wonder if any of my friends have places they only go in at certain times of year?

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Oh yes - we definitely had seasonal beds! Like the kitty cups by heaters, those are only winter time spots. And don't feel bad about the d-o-g bed, Bert loves sleeping in George's bed!
Oh Eric you look so cute in your Winter Bed!! We don't have special places. Mr. Tigger sleeps outside until it gets cold and then he sleeps in GMa Rosie's bed at the foot and he stays inside most of the coldest days! (We live in FL so we don't have tons of cold days.) And I always sleep in Mom's bed. I am learning to leave Dad alone, so he doesn't kick me out of the room!
Your FL furiends,
Your FL furiends,
I stay on the couch pretty much year round.
Sara (we've got a wide body ginger on our bloggie today too!)
Sara (we've got a wide body ginger on our bloggie today too!)
My cat Melody before she went to the bridge her favorite spot when it was cold was the closet shelf by the chimney. you look so cute, I have never seen a cat this big, notice I did not say f_t, just kidding. Thanks for posting those nice purring comments, I really appreciated it.
Hi ya, Eric. Yep, we do the same thing with our fleece bed...we think it has something to do with the weather getting colder...
You look so cute in your bed...'specially that last shot....
You look so cute in your bed...'specially that last shot....
Cripes Eric, what a manly widebody that is. You are giving me a run for my money here. We must be brothers, I love that position, feet against the end of the bed/radiator/sofa back too. In summer we lie on the kitchen floor for the coolness, ignoring our cosy beds totally.
Great post from a great mancat!
Great post from a great mancat!
Oh yes! A lovely fleece bed for the wintertime! This is so mancatly of you Eric! And what a cute tummy!
Luf, Us
Luf, Us
Wow! Lookit the size of that tummy. Lookit that floof! Lookit that Gizzy quilt!
Oh Eric, my Mom bought me a bag of Greenies, and they are positively DIVINE! I think of you when she gives me some!
Oh Eric, my Mom bought me a bag of Greenies, and they are positively DIVINE! I think of you when she gives me some!
That's a lovely mancatly widebody Eric. You fill your bed nicely. I, Flynn, sleep on my vishus deer and Ham-Mick in summer and winter. In winter Eric sleeps with his head nearly in the woodburner. In summer he sleeps on the cool kitchen floor.
Have you noticed that word verification is making words lately rather than random letters? Yours is:
'dadmate' very appropriate.
Have you noticed that word verification is making words lately rather than random letters? Yours is:
'dadmate' very appropriate.
What widebody wonder"floofyness"! That winter bed fits you just purrfect Eric. Love that floofy tummy! It just goes on and on and on. SQUEE!!!
Coco and I spend lots of time on the knitty afghan in the winters, but Momma doesn't put it out in the summer. I wish I had a great cozy bed like that! Your tummy looks grate.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Yes I move from place to place with the seasons too. I rarely sleep with mum overnight in the summer. But in winter, I go and suck up the warmth. Now that the heaty blower is on I love to lie on top of the one that is in the floor. My tummy gets so nice and warm.
Eric, I love your pictures!!! And that fleece bed looks an awful lot like my fleece bed! I only sleep on the body pillow behind Momma and Daddy's heads when it gets cold ... otherwise is is on the foot of the bed or the cedar chest, and even in the living room.
Purrs and headbutts,
Purrs and headbutts,
Your winter bed looks quite comfy. And I love your floofy tummy, it looks so soft and cuddly.
I think that is purr-fectly reasonable. I like to nap in mine kitty cave (the PTU) when it gets cooler. It have a nice fleece blankie in there. Of course where I really want to be is on the desk chair. But when mine lard-butt mombean is sitting there I can't.
I think that is purr-fectly reasonable. I like to nap in mine kitty cave (the PTU) when it gets cooler. It have a nice fleece blankie in there. Of course where I really want to be is on the desk chair. But when mine lard-butt mombean is sitting there I can't.
How pawsome to have that bed just your size!!!!! Mom drags out a sleeping bag. It is big and puffy and I sink into it and I am super cozy!!! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :)
Purrs Mickey
Purrs Mickey
Oh, we love your winter bed!
China Cat always sleeps in the heated cat cup on the hearth in the daytime and sometimes nighttime too. I like to sleep on my Food Lady at night when it's cold - which is now!
Purrrrrrs, Willow
China Cat always sleeps in the heated cat cup on the hearth in the daytime and sometimes nighttime too. I like to sleep on my Food Lady at night when it's cold - which is now!
Purrrrrrs, Willow
Our cats rotate their favorite nap places. They usually have 5 favorite spots and rotate when they want to hang in which spot.
Eric, that looks like a really nice bed. We have our Garfield bed, but we have been using it year-round. Mom wants to get us a heated cat bed to use.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
You could call that your winter hibernation cave! I have a d-o-g bed too. It accommodates my girth nicely and she got it on sale at practically a give-away price. -Shaggy
"Squeeeeeeee! Look at that tummy!!" -Mom
"Squeeeeeeee! Look at that tummy!!" -Mom
He, he, he, he.....that is so funny Eric. My fleece bed is also a dog bed, due to the insufficient size of the cat beds AND I never go near mine in the summer either! That is so funny that we both do that!
So far this year I have not approached it, right now I prefer to sit on the extended window ledge my Mum built me by the front door, she even put a nice warm fluffy blanket on it and it is right above the heater so it is ever so cozy.
So far this year I have not approached it, right now I prefer to sit on the extended window ledge my Mum built me by the front door, she even put a nice warm fluffy blanket on it and it is right above the heater so it is ever so cozy.
That looks like a wonderful bed! It's hot all the year round over here though, I don't think we would like a fleece bed.
Dude, stop raising the bar for how to do a proper Q!
Yeah yeah, MomBean, you want to snorgle the tum. I've heard it...
Yeah yeah, MomBean, you want to snorgle the tum. I've heard it...
Oh, Eric, Momma's sayin SQUEE SQUEE SQUEE cuz you look so floofiferious and snugglicious in yur wintur bed!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
What a gorgeous tummy you have, Eric :-D Of course, you're just gorgeous all over.
I can't think of any places our cats prefer during certain times of the year. However, Ollie does like to be covered by her Daddy's heavy sweatshirts and jackets when it's chilly.
I can't think of any places our cats prefer during certain times of the year. However, Ollie does like to be covered by her Daddy's heavy sweatshirts and jackets when it's chilly.
Eric, it sounds like you have a very sensible routine. After you only need a snuggly bed in winter - and by the radiator is the best place to be. My mom thinks you are very cute.
Eric, you are sooo cute. So what that it is a dog bed, It works, right? And right in front of the radiator? NICE!
As for places I don't go in the summer that I do in the winter, it depends if mom has the a/c on. If she does, I am under the bedcovers in the summer. If not, I am on top. But fall and winter, I am under those covers for sure.
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As for places I don't go in the summer that I do in the winter, it depends if mom has the a/c on. If she does, I am under the bedcovers in the summer. If not, I am on top. But fall and winter, I am under those covers for sure.
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