Monday, December 22, 2008
Secret Paws!
Yes, as I mentioned in my last post, a package came for me from my Secret Paw and my mum said I could open it! Here I am waiting impatiently for her to open it:

My Secret Paws package came from Everycat! And there were lots of gifts all wrapped up and with messages from Whicky Wuudler, Oliver, Gerry and Angel and their humans! 

Plus an envelope addressed to Fat Eric, esquire! Inside was a beautiful handmade card with a picture of Whicky on it.

Everycat sent me loads of goodies! I got a nip carrot, blue fev-vers on a stick, Temptations, tins of gourmet food - even chocolate for my humans!

Here I am rubbing my face on the nip carrot...

...but my favourite thing so far is the blue fev-vers, I have been attacking them a lot. 

Now, rumour has it that tomorrow I will be tossed into the Evil Cat Carrier and we will be off to spend Christmas with Devon Grandma. You may remember that I have been on long Christmas travelling adventures before, as described here and here. My mum is hoping we will still be able to blog from Devon but we only have a wireless connection there now which is not very reliable so, just in case I can't get in touch from there, I'll wish all my friends in the Cat Blogosphere a very Happy Christmas! Wish me luck on my travels tomorrow!
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What a great bunch of gifts Fat Eric! Have a safe trip to Devon Grandma and we hope you can blog from there. If not, have a very Meowy Christmas!
Oh Eric, I didn't know you were going to your Devon Grandma's for Christmas. Are you taking you Scratchy Mouse?
That looks like a wonderful Secret Paws package, I love fevvers too!
That looks like a wonderful Secret Paws package, I love fevvers too!
You got a great Secret Paw package, lots of good stuff.
Safe journey to Devon Grandma's, have a very Merry, Happy Christmas.
Safe journey to Devon Grandma's, have a very Merry, Happy Christmas.
Oh, how exciting to get a package! You are a very lucky cat. And think of it this way, your grandma is lucky to get to spend time with you....
Abby & Stygia
Abby & Stygia
Those are some pawsome gifts, Eric! You're gonna have lots of fun! Have a very Merry Christmas!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
Have a good trip Eric ! I too will be bundled unceremoniously into the Cat Cage tomorrow for the sick-making journey to the Grand Bean's house. Still, here's hoing we get lots of Christmas dinner leftovers...
Meowy Christmas to you,
Purrs from Mr Woo xx
Meowy Christmas to you,
Purrs from Mr Woo xx
We are so happy you enjoyed the package Eric. You look very happy nuzzling the nip carrot (it has refills too) and hope you have lots of fun with the blue fevvers! Secret Paws has been such good fun!
Here's to you all having a safe journey down to Devon and we wish you all a Very Happy Christmas!
Whicky, Angel, Oliver, Gerry & Mum
Here's to you all having a safe journey down to Devon and we wish you all a Very Happy Christmas!
Whicky, Angel, Oliver, Gerry & Mum
Eric, that Secret Paws package was awesome! I hope you have safe travels and a wonderful holiday!
Wonderful gifts for you Eric - and you are so deserving.
Rumour has it that my mom might be able to see you when you are at Devon grandma's house - cos DG lives so near to us. She said she will take da camera wiv her to show she saw your wonderful ginger floofiness. Have a great time.
Rumour has it that my mom might be able to see you when you are at Devon grandma's house - cos DG lives so near to us. She said she will take da camera wiv her to show she saw your wonderful ginger floofiness. Have a great time.
That was a great package from Whicky and Everycat. Nippy carrots are the bestest.
Have a safe journey to Devon Grandma's and a Happy Christmas to all of you.
Have a safe journey to Devon Grandma's and a Happy Christmas to all of you.
What a great Secret Paws package, Eric!!
Have fun on your "vacation" and Merry Christmas to you & your family.
The Crew
Have fun on your "vacation" and Merry Christmas to you & your family.
The Crew
Awesome presents, Eric! I love Secret Paws. In case you do not have internet access later, I want to wish you very happy holidays.
Good luck on your travels, Eric, and a happy Christmas to you and your peoples.
It was very nice to meet your mum and dad when they came to pay a surprise visit to my mum and dad on Sunday - I could smell your floofy fur on their hands.
It was very nice to meet your mum and dad when they came to pay a surprise visit to my mum and dad on Sunday - I could smell your floofy fur on their hands.
Those are terrific presents you received from your Secret Paws :-) Have a wonderful holiday at your Devon Grandma's!
Merry Christmas!
Shrek, Tom, Jerry, Shaka and Sheba
(and their beans!)
Cape Town
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Shrek, Tom, Jerry, Shaka and Sheba
(and their beans!)
Cape Town
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