
Saturday, January 24, 2009


My Third Blogoversary!

I can hardly believe it, but according to the counter at the bottom of my sidebar, today is my third Blogoversary! Yes, it is three whole years since my very first post on January 24th 2006. A lot of blogging has been done since then - and I feel as though I have met a LOT of good blogging friends along the way!

Here, in honour of my third blogoversary, are some pictures from the past and present...

January 2006
January 2007
January 2008
January 2009
I don't think I look a day older, do you? Although I may be a bit slimmer, since I see from my first post that I weighed 22 lb back then, and now I only weigh 17 and a half lb.

I was going to show pictures of the food for my Blogoversary guests, but mum woke up this morning with a bit of a stomach upset (given to her by those germy children she teaches), and she has been running to the bathroom all day. She said if she had to help me post pictures of yummy food she would throw up again (too much information, mum!), so please feel free to use your imagination. Let's party! (but quietly, avoiding the room where mum lies groaning on the sofa). Here's to more blogging fun in the future!

Hey, when you've got it, flaunt it. Happy bologversary! :D
Congratulations! And you look much slimmer ;-)
Happy Blogoversary, Eric! You are looking good!
Happy Blogoversary!!! We'll be ofur to help you *quietly* celly-brate!
~Meeko & Kiara
Happy Blogoversary Eric!

*places a plate of fresh prawns on the floor*

We love these pictures of you, especially the Jan 2008 one with your Mum's legs - this is a great position for a mighty mancat.

Hope your Mum feels better soon and can arrange some special Blogoversary grub for you!

Happy Purrs
Oliver *schlurp*
& Gerry
Happy Blogoversary Eric. We can see you have lost some weight.
We hope your mum quickly feels better.
We are getting lots of gales and torrential rain again. Mum said it is a good job we live on top of a hill or we would probably all be swimming by now.
Happy blogoversary, Eric! sorry we said two instead of three...our Meowmy is not very good at maths! (or she forgot it's 2009, which is possible, too) We're sorry your mum is feeling poorly...wanna take the celestial transporter over here? we've got some yummy smoked chicken Meowmy was given last night that she's sharing with us, and you can have some, too. You're looking much svelter than in last year's pic...good job!
Here ya go Eric, 4 packets of Greenies, they was on sale at the kitty food place. *Looks around* I hopes I brought enough for everyone.

Happy blogoversery! And many more!!

Tell yer mombean to have some ginger tea. That's what mine does when her tummers is poorly.
Happy Fat Bloggy Day to you, three times! YEAH... you're one cool cat, and you're cuter than ever no matter what you weigh.
To Mom... we say byebye germs!
Happy Blogoversary!!! I'll sneak in some ham for us to munch while your human isn't around...

i can't believe it bben three years!
you're lookin reely fit and trim too!''purrs
Wowee Eric, three years? That is just pawsome! Have a very Happy Blogoversary furriend, you are one handsome mancat and quite content as your pictures tell! Give your Mum some kissies from us, we hope she feels better really soon!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
HAPPY BLOGAVERSARY!!!!! we is so happy that we gotted to know you!!!
Wow a THIRD blogoversary! Thats fancatstik!

Many more.
Happy 3rd Blogoversary, Eric! We don't think you look a day older although you are looking sleek and fit.
We hope your Momma feels a lot better soon - and that you have a really super day!
Happy Third Blogoversary Fat Eric!!! One thing over the years, you have definitely gotten more handsomely mancatly and floofy!

And we hopes your Mum is feeling betters real soon!

We are very thankful for the CB, blogs and facebook!
Happy bwogoversawy! You don't wook a day older indeed!

wow ... happee blogoversary eric ... can't call u "fat eric" anymore ... u hav slimmed down mi brudder!
Happy Third Blogoversary Eric! You are looking younger than ever! You are almost skinny now ;)

Sorry your mum is feeling so poorly! My mom gets stuff that sometimes makes her throw up from germy children also.
Happy 3rd Blogoversary!
You look stunning my friend!
Happy Blogoversary, Eric. My, you have slimmed down quite nicely. I am happy that you still retain your lovely floofiness, though.
:) Have another great year.

Roxy & Lucky
Happy Blogoversary my dear furiend.
Eric we are sorry we missed the party! You are looking mighty fine and we are so happy you are here in the blogosphere! Happy anniversary and here's to many more!
Happy third blogoversary, Eric! And I must say, you're looking quite svelte these days!
Happy 3rd Blogoversary, Eric :-D
Congratulations on your third Blogoversary, Eric. You look marvelous. Sorry we missed the party, but Jake hasn't been feeling too well lately. We hope that your Mum is all better by now.

Oh rats, we missed another party! Well, we hope you ate something good and thought of us.

Happy 3rd blogiversary Eric, old friend, and many, many more!
Mommy...we missed Eric's party!!! Well, Happy 3rd blogversary Eric and many more!!! Hey you look like a grown up version of our new brother, TEAK!! COOL!!!=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz
Oh no I missed your blogoversary! You look great!
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