Wednesday, July 08, 2009
Wednesday Is Gingersday
The heatwave from last week has gone and it's been raining a lot, so instead of using my favourite hiding place behind the plant pots, I've just been napping indoors and watching daytime TV with my mum.
Yesterday she went back to the hospital and they took off the plaster cast on her leg! They put on this big blue brace thing instead, so that she can start practising bending her knee again up to 50 degrees. But she still isn't allowed to put weight on her leg or take the brace off at all in the next three weeks, so it doesn't make a lot of difference to what she can and can't do. In three weeks they might let her start trying to put weight on the leg and bend it to 70 degrees. If she was a cat like me, maybe she'd be a lot more flexible, I can bend my legs in all directions, especially when I'm having a wash!

I prefer the new leg brace because it is nice and soft for me to lie on, unlike that cast which was rather hard and uncomfortable. Also, what with it being dark blue and having Velcro on it, it shows off my white and ginger furrs very very well when I shed them on it!
I don't think this leg brace is enough to heal the leg, though, so I'm still keeping up the purring. She can't run away from me so I'm able to get in some good licks too.

Schlurp! Schlurp!
P.S. I'm sending some purrs to Cornish Grandma too - she had an operation on her hand yesterday because it never healed properly after she broke it last summer. Now she is all plastered up and can't do much. I'd go and schlurp on her too if I could!
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What a great help you are to your mom! It's good she is down to something more appropriate to your coloring. We mean, how can folks judge how well you're doing your job if they can't see your fur on her blue thingy.
Eric, we know that the reason why your mum's leg is healing so fast is because of your nursing abilities. Afterall, not every cat can purr non-stop and schlurp her.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
That blue brace looks lots more comfy for your Mom, too, Eric. Witey can not schlurp your Mom from here, but I will send some more healing purrs!
OK, we're sending GET WELL purrs and slurps for you Mom, for your cornish grandma, and for you ... OK and your Dad too (even tho he's not poorly!)! But we draw the line at the newts in your pond. Talking of which, how are they doing?
I'm sending healing purrs to your Mum and your Cornish Grandma - it must be horrible to get plastered!
Hi FE we glad you mama leg getting better want to come help out my burps they going to the dr tomrow and maxie going to the dentis
It was very nice of your mom to get a different leg covering that matches better with your furs, and is more comfy! Many healing purrs to your mom, and also to your Cornish gramma.
You are such a sweet boy Eric! My mom said she would kiss your head if she were there. Kitty kisses and schlurps really do help mums feel better while they are healing. Glad you have a nice soft blue cast on which to leave your furs.
Purrs from us to your mum too!
Shilgiah, Tommy and Hope
Purrs from us to your mum too!
Shilgiah, Tommy and Hope
Continuing to send our healing purrs across the ocean.
You are so cute in the picture with your mum! Jeep on schlurping!
You are so cute in the picture with your mum! Jeep on schlurping!
I think it is marvelous that this new brace is much more comfortable for you! And that you get to sit on her more again!
Yeah for everything!
Yeah for everything!
Schlurping is a very impawtant part of nursing, and we can see you are doing it very well. We bet your mum feels better now she can wiggle her toes! No nibbling though! We were lucky yesterday, all the heavy rain missed us.
Eric you are such a good boy for taking such good care of your mom! We are very glad she is healing and will soon be completely cast free! Purrs to you big boy!
Hi Eric. We're so glad your mum now has a much softer brace on, which is more comfortable for her and for you. Marvelous that it shows your furs so much better, too. Meowmy was giggling at the picture of you schlurping your mum...Fuzzy does the exact same thing and she seems to find his sandpapery tongue very tickly.
Oh Eric!! Your shlurps are great!! We are purrring that the Mom's leg heals fast so she can walk and Cornish Grandma's hand heals up!
Your FL furiends,
Your FL furiends,
We're glad your mum's leg is starting to get a little better, that leg brace looks more comfy for her than the cast, and of course it's most important that it's more comfy for you!
Keep on lap-napping and schlurping her, we know that works wonders for her. Purrs to her, and also to Cornish Grandma, that they both keep healing.
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Keep on lap-napping and schlurping her, we know that works wonders for her. Purrs to her, and also to Cornish Grandma, that they both keep healing.
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
I'm sure with you excellent nursing care, your Mum will be back on her feet in no time. Keep up the good work, Eric!
Great job with your mommy Eric! Obviously it is your awesome care that kept your mommy from having surgeree.
That blue brace looks lots more comfy to wear and to lay on. It looks great with your furs.
We will purr for your Cornish Grandma to heal all up soon!
That blue brace looks lots more comfy to wear and to lay on. It looks great with your furs.
We will purr for your Cornish Grandma to heal all up soon!
Your poor mum. We will continue to send her pug snorts and good wishes. We will also send some to Cornish Grandma.
Roxy & Lucky
Roxy & Lucky
I'm so glad to hear that your mom's leg is making progress. I do agree with you - the blue of her brace does set off your fur nicely. You have really been doing a great job of taking care of her, Eric. You should be commended.
We are pleased to see your mum is out of her cast, it is far too hot for plaster. Eric I am sure she is enjoying your licks and cuddles.
Your mum is so lucky to have such a great nurse! We like her new cast. We're sure your furs stick to it super great and she can take you with her wherever she goes. :)
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