Monday, January 30, 2006
I'm Seriously Displeased

Huh. My human servants have seriously displeased me.
When I agreed to take them on as my servants, I made it clear that I was an easy-going, easy-to-please kitty. I only insist on a few ground rules. And one of those is that Meals Must Always Be On Time. Food, after all, is very important to me. Now, my mum is usually fairly good about this. This time, however, she has Seriously Let Me Down.
Last Saturday evening, do you know why she totally failed to notice I had teleported off to the Calico Girls' Nap-a-thon? Because she wasn't even there! She and my dad went out for the evening. Wining, dining, going to the theatre, anyone would think they had nothing better to do than enjoy themselves. In fact, they enjoyed themselves so much that by the time they got home they were Four And A Half Hours Late serving my evening meal.
Four And A Half Hours!!!
Luckily for me, I had nipped off to the Nap-a-thon and was enjoying some American Stinky Goodness, but for all they knew or cared, I was at home. Alone. Starving. Wasting Away.
To make matters WORSE, they were tired (ahem, hung-over) on Sunday morning, making my breakfast seriously late as well! I had to trample all over their heads and pillows and lick their hair for a good hour before I saw any breakfast action.
I'll be giving them a very cold shoulder for the next few days to mark my displeasure.
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Nap-a-thon In Progress
Thursday, January 26, 2006
My Favourite Toy

Now, I am not really what you would call a playful cat. I am much more of a lying-around-snoring-until-food-is-served cat, one of your mature, sensible types. However, my mum keeps trying to get me to play with stuff - it's all part of her put-Eric-on-a-diet-and-make-him-take-more-exercise routine. I have a lot of mice and things but I usually only smash them a bit with my killer front paw while the rest of my body stays still. Sometimes I have sudden fits of madness and try to kill my yellow string thing which hangs from the back of one of the dining chairs. And my auntie and uncle in America sent me a really cool wire Cat Dancer thing which I can get quite energetic with if I am in the mood. (They always send me cool stuff!)
But my very favourite thing I never get tired of is my big IKEA mousie. It is wicker and my mum bought it for me hoping I would use it to scratch on instead of the wicker laundry basket which is my favourite scratching place. I do scratch my mousie sometimes but mostly I just like to love it. I spend ages lying on it, hugging it with my paws, using it as a pillow or a tail rest, it is so versatile! And let's face it, a big cat like me needs a really big mousie! Here are some pictures of me loving my IKEA mousie.
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
I Love Computers

Here are some reasons why I love computers.
1. I can use them to blog and make new kitty friends! (waves paw to kitty friends).
2. I can spend quality time with my mum when she is working on the computer, and help her by pressing buttons with my paws.
3. Behind the keyboard she keeps this "scanner" thing which is nice and flat and just the right size for a Fat Eric sleeping place. Mmm...comfy...
4. Next to the computer she's got this "printer" thing which has a comfy kitty headrest on it and I like to sleep on that too - although my dad got cross once when the printer jammed and there was big lumps of kitty hair in it...looks innocent...
5. Here are some pictures of me enjoying my computer - I've put in an old one of me with my sister Hattie so you can see that she looked quite a bit like me! (only a bit smaller).
What do you all like to do with your computers?
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Introducing Myself

A very warm welcome to my new blog! I've been sneaking on to my mum's computer for quite a while now to send e-mails, but up till now she hasn't given way to my demands for my very own blog (as I pointed out to her, all the other kitties have one...) Anyway, here we are at last. My name is Fat Eric, although I also answer to Eric, Fatboy, and pretty much anything else she calls me in her ramblings. I was also called Max in a previous life but more of that later. I now live in Walthamstow, north-east London, UK, with my two human servants. I'll fill you all in on my life story another time, but here's a photo of me to get started.
As you can see I am a devilishly handsome ginger-and-white 10-year-old boy. I have an incredibly thick double-density coat (my v-e-t thinks I have some Norwegian Forest Cat in me, who knows?) which makes me extremely cuddly and good at covering my house with hair. I am a very big cat, and you can tell from my name that I am of generous dimensions, currently weighing in at 10kg (22lb). I have in fact been on a diet for the past two years, but it doesn't seem to be making much difference, probably because of my extremely "relaxed" lifestyle.
I'm really looking forward to making some kitty friends all over the world - hope to hear from you soon!