Sunday, May 07, 2006
Favourite Birds...And A Confession

Mr. Woodpigeon and his extremely large fat family come every day and scoff tons of seed from the bird table.
My mum likes Mr. and Mrs. Blackbird - they are friendly and they come and peck around in the flowerbeds after she has been digging up the soil.
The Blue T*ts are pretty, but one of my kitty friends thought their name was rude, so I have censored it. They can't be very clever birdies as they cannot work out how to eat from any of the 4 different feeders my mum has put out for them.
The Magpie family are really pests but I do think their colouring is rather smart.
We love seeing Mr. Robin when he comes around...he likes to sit on the fence and watch my mum doing gardening. He is so cheerful and friendly.
Only 3 days until my Uncle Sim comes...I am furry excited. We had some other visitors today - a work friend of my dad's came to tea and brought his wife and their little girl. My mum did baking (which she hardly ever does because she is too lazy) and she made some chocolate muffins and delicious lemon drizzle cake (I sneaked a crumb to test it) and we had cucumber sandwiches and scones and jam and clotted cream...mmm! Everyone had a lovely time and they all said how handsome I was - but (confession time) - I did a bad thing! The little girl was playing with me and she waved the feathery stick and I swiped at it and I accidentally missed the stick and scratched the little girl's finger and it started bleeding! My mum had to first-aid her. I was really sorry and I purred lots at the little girl - I still feel guilty!
Your Robin looks different than mine, much smaller. None of the rest look familiar either.
You didn't mean to hurt the little girl, so don't feel bad. You just wanted to play.
Mum says your tea menu sounds wonderful. Scones and clotted cream. I don't know what she is talking about as she says you can't get that stuff here.
The plant thingie... that was an accident, too. I thought it was a cat toy. I'm gonna get anofur pictor that shows how much it looks like a tinsel ball.
i wish we had some birds at our house. too many people and not enough trees around.
Your birds were so interesting! I was really fascinated by Mr. Robin since he doesn't look like any of the Robins I know. Must be because he is English, I suppose...
Derby, Victor & Zeus - He is a European robin as opposed to an American robin. He is the kind of robin who appears on Christmas cards here a lot.
About your birds? I wish I had blackbirds and magpies visiting me!
We really hope that the Royal Mail doesn't take your presents. Why would a mailman want cat toys and treats? Let us know if you don't get the package by Monday and we'll send another.
As for the scratch, you didn't mean to do it so do feel bad.
The Monsters
You had some real interestin' birdies to look at. I didn't know that English robins were different from American robins. Learns somefink new everyday.
I knows you didn't mean to put an owie on the little girl, my sisfur was playin wif my Momma and scratched her but she wasn't mad or nuttin becuz she knew Gracie was only playin. I knows that the little girl wasn't mad at you eifer.
Thanks for coming back and talking to me again. I think this is so cool, finding cat friends all over the world. What's even cooler is that I learned how to use the computer all by myself. I knew I could do it.
Guess what...its not your fault that you poked that little girl. Sometimes little girls fingers get too close to our paws and our stuff. I betcha she forgot all about it when you started purring at her. Most people really love that. I had two big brothers that died too, but both of them died before I was born. My female person says that means I must be really special, because they loved my brothers George and Luke so much that they said they could never have another cat. But when the female's grandbaby saw me, she knew that I was gonna come and live here in my house, and I did.
Talk to you again.
I don't have so many birds to look at, as I'm a city apartment cat. But I always call my person over to look at the pigeons that we sometimes get on the window ledge. She laughs and tries to talk back to me. She makes this funny sound like ak-ak-ak-akkk. Humans can be funny sometimes!
My humans don't bake either. It might not mean they're lazy. Maybe they'd rather be tending to us. And I like salty and meaty treats better than sweet ones any way.
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