Monday, August 14, 2006
Big Boys On Parade
Here's my friend Big Eric, showing off his handsome 20 lb figure.

My friend Shaggy has been forced to diet away a few pounds recently, but he is still a fine figure of a cat - look at that floofy tummy!
And, with all due modesty, I think I have a pretty fine floofy tum myself!
However, I must give respect to a new friend who is bigger than me - that's the handsome Sir. Edmund P. Hillary. Also known as Ed the Rotund, he weighs in at an impressive 23 lb. Check out this tummy...
I'm sure you will agree we are all devillishly handsome big boys. Maybe we could hire ourselves out as nightclub bouncers, or bodyguards to some of the celebrities of the kitty blogosphere?
I need ear-plugs today. The infernal machines from the water company are still digging up the street right outside our house. The pneumatic drills started at 8 a.m. sharp and are still going. My mum and I both have headaches...hope it is quieter where you are!
Beans just don't understand that a tummy to remain kissably cuddly needs lots of consistently available food.
I should have known cats would be far better...
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