Sunday, September 03, 2006
Better health, Biscuit-Making and Boston Photos

I read the label that said it was a kit to make chicken-flavoured cat biscuits; there were instructions for how to mix them and bake them, "then feed them to the best kitty in the world". Well, that seemed straightforward enough, so I told my mum to get baking right away, which, of course, she did. Here are the finished results:
Finally, we came to the "taste test" - I was a bit confused because they were supposed to be chicken-flavoured, so why were they fish-shaped? That's just illogical...anyway, my mum broke one up and offered it to me, I took a lick...then gave her a look of disdain and walked away. Yes, I'm afraid those biscuits were far from tasty, in fact, they were totally uninteresting to me, and I am a cat who rarely turns down food. I have to say my mum seemed a teeny bit disappointed at my rejection of her baking efforts. She even went so far as to put some of the biscuits in my bowl and soak them in chicken gravy, thinking that this might make them tastier. I licked up all the gravy and left the biscuits in the bowl. She got the message.
So we now have a whole tin full of Tasteless Cat Biscuits and my mum is thinking of donating them to her friend's kitty Lulu; maybe she will like them (but I bet she doesn't!)
Apart from that little episode, we have had a bit of a stressful few days - mum was still feeling a bit fragile, then the computer broke and she had to spend hours on the phone to the support people (it is fixed now), then she found out her new (very expensive) glasses gave her's been one of those weeks. Unfortunately, after tomorrow my mum won't be able to spend so much quality time with me because the long school holidays are finally over and she has to go back to school tomorrow. The little monsters she teaches don't start back till Wednesday, but the teachers have to go into school first and move the furniture about and stuff. I'll just have to sleep all day till she comes home and tells me about it.
What's that, Mum? Oh yes, I forgot to say that she has got a photo webpage now where she has put up tons of her pics of Boston for her friends to look at. Of course, there are no pictures of me up there, which would make it even better, but if anyone wants to have a look at her photos, you can find them here. Have a good week everyone, I have more stuff to tell you so I'll be back soon.
Sorry your mama didn't get to get any real Mericky treats or toys. Wasn't that one of the reasons to go to Boston?
The pictures from the trip looks fine. Mum really like the picture of your dadbean and the bear. :)
We have a holiday and your mum has to go back to work. Cheers.
My Mom knows how hard it is to find pet stores in the city. When she and Dad got stuck down in Sacramento California she tried to find one and she couldn't. They went down for two days and ended up having to stay six days and she had Amber (doggy) with her and she had to buy things. She also tried to find a mall and she got lost. Anyway, I'm sorry your treats didn't turn out right.
We are SO glad Boston didn't make your Mum sick and that she had a good time.
Sorry about the cat treats- tell your Mum we usually get shrimp or lobster- it's worth a try!
Tilly and Toby
That is not "some famous baseball guy" but the great Arnold "Red" Auerbach, coach of the Boston Celtics basketball team and winner of eight consecutive national championships in the 1960s. His career as coach and general manager made the Celtics the greatest basketball team in history. He achieved this despite the obvious handicap of having been born in New York.
Or so our Dad says.
- Toby and Tilly
We's glad you and yer mum are feeling betturr now. We's looked at yer pichers and fink they are luvly. Is that Boston Bear furr you to snuggle up wiv? That's bad luck that yer beans didn't get you any treaties, those home made ones don't sound too good.We got bad news. Our beans are going away to Merricky next month, an they's gonna be gone furr nearly all the month. Is that allowed??? There must be a law against locking poodins up furr so long!!!
Have a good day.
I'm glad that both you and your human pet are feeling better as well. Unfortunately for your pet, with school starting, I doubt she will feel good for long as children are notorious for getting teachers ill! ;)
I guess we get to eat a little blandly baked crow on this one!
Great story (especially the licking of the gravy and leaving the treats)!
Maybe next time on the cat treats, eh, Eric?
You has a good nose for food though and told yur Mum those cat treats were not good. Chicken that looks like fish. Hrmmmph. What were they finking?
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