We've been having weird weather lately. It's been much hotter and stickier (80F) than it's supposed to be at this time of year. Yesterday we had a big gale and today it rained all day. My mum says that soon it will get colder, but at the moment I'm still enjoying lying in the garden in the evenings, mostly watching the pond.
The other night we heard these weird loud groaning noises. My mum could hear them from inside the house, so she came outside and we both searched for the noise. It turned out to be one of the frogs in the pond, but it was LOUD!
I like hunting frogs although I hardly ever catch one. Here are some pictures so you can see how the garden is looking now:
We still have some waterlillies in flower - there is probably a pesky frog somewhere nearby, but I can't see him.
My mum says these are "autumn crocuses". They are pretty and sometimes the frogs hide under those stones, but I didn't find any there today.
We have ten of these yellow gladioli in flower. But this doesn't look like a good place to find frogs - it's too far from the pond.
The pyracantha is covered in orange berries now. The Greedy Pigeons eat them but I don't think frogs eat berries. Better look somewhere else.
These are the green peppers. My mum has grown lots of peppers this year. Once I actually found a frog hiding under the peppers, so I always check here now.

This is a butternut squash plant, but my mum and dad call it The Triffid, because it is trying to take over the entire garden. I'd better check under those big leaves, because frogs could be hiding under there...
WAIT A MINUTE! I see you, Mr. Froggy! Wait till I get my sharp claws into you...oh, wait, my mum finished clipping my claws yesterday...drat.
Huh. I don't care, I'll just go to Opus and Roscoe's party instead...see you there!
# posted by Fat Eric @ 8:16 pm