Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Tinsel Tuesday*

We're getting in the Christmas spirit. My mum went out to a party with her colleagues last night and my dad is going to a work party tonight. Tomorrow my mum's school breaks up for the Christmas holidays. Something is happening on Friday, but no one will tell me what. Something to do with suitcases and bags of presents. I hope the Evil Cat Carrier isn't involved!
Very nice photo. Wonder what's happening on Friday????
I must say that the red looks wonderful on your ginger fur!
It really is your colo(u)r.
Hmmm, Friday....it wouldn't have anything to do with the M25, would it?
And hey, check out this funny post
pets watching TV! ofcourse Mom was not there
Tilly ate some tinsel once and Dad had to retrieve it from its, uh, point of egress. We were all very fortunate that she wasn't ill from it. Kitties, be warned!
My Mum is wishing you lots of lovely treats and cuddles.
Good job with your tip about the tinsel.
Let us know what is happening this weekend. I hopes you aren't left alone without anyone to visit you!
I hope that you won't be going to the Kitty Spa on Friday.
uh oh.
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