Friday, March 19, 2010
Floofy Friday On The Blue Chair

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We bet you're very good at shedding! Now why ever would your humans mind ginger and white floofy furs all over the chair? Your fur is so gorgeous, it should be an honour to have it everywhere!
You do look very comfy there. I am shedding all over the place too, but Flynn likes to keep hold of his fur. Mum has put throws over everything to try and keep most of the fur off, but I like to burrow under them.
Mum says she knows just how you feel as my fluff gets everywhere.. ou look good on the blue.. Hugs GJ xx
Eric, our mom puts blankets and things on the furniture for us to sleep on because we get our furs all over everything...but we think our furs add something to the come moms can't see that??
Owr Momma has given up trying!! Especially since one of us is dark furred and the ofur is light. BTW...where does yur Uncle Sim live?
~Meeko & Kiara
~Meeko & Kiara
..and the blue suits you so well Eric. Hey, soon spring will be here and you can astound your Mum and Dad with an epic amount of shedding - they will love a ginger, white and blue chair.
Schlurps galore!
Schlurps galore!
Doesn't your mum know that ginger and white fluffy bottoms are the latest fashion statement.
Luv Hannah & Lucy
Luv Hannah & Lucy
Eric, your blue chair looks so cool and comfy. I like to shed as much floof as I can. It reminds Mom of me all the time.
Wow, Big Kitty! You are very BIG! And very FLOOFY! I want to be as BIG and FLOOFY as you one day and claim whole CHAIRS!
Goodness how to explain 'bracketball'. It is the college basketball tournement, 64 teams divided into four groups. Within those four groups each team is ranked 1 to 16. Then the 1 team plays the 16, 2 plays 15 etc. Each pairing is a 'bracket'. It is also know as March Madness as it drives most people crazy.
Here is a link to the bracket!
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Here is a link to the bracket!
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