Thursday, December 21, 2006
The Fog!

My dad says we have got "a real pea-souper". I think he means the fog is quite thick. He says it is the perfect time to get out his favourite cartoon film to watch. It is a Russian cartoon called "Hedgehog in the Fog". Have your humans ever seen it?
I have found out what is going on tomorrow (Friday). We are going to spend Christmas with Devon Grandma (my dad's mum). This means I will be imprisoned in the Evil Cat Carrier for about 5 hours while we drive down to Devon. I suppose it could be worse, at least they are not leaving me in the kitty jail for Christmas and I like Devon Grandma's house (the last time I was there was at Easter). My dad says the forecast is for more fog so we will have to drive very slowly and carefully on the motorway tomorrow, but there is no fog in Devon so it should be all right when we get there.
Apparently I'll be able to post from Devon Grandma's computer, but I probably won't be able to post any pictures because her computer is old and sick, so I'll put up my Christmas photo now. Happy holidays!
Dat is a wunderful pixchur of yu! Merry Chrissmouse to yu and yur families. I hope yu have a safe and happy trip!!
Mum was talking to some of her co-workers in the UK today. They were telling her about the fog. Plus it made it to our TV new, along with the 2 feet of snow in Denver.
We're going to spend Christmas watching "Love Actually". Love the fact it is filmed in the UK with so many British actors/actresses and of course, the scene of Hugh Grant dancing in 10 Downing St is a hoot. I think I saw Mrs Margaret Thatcher having a teeny role as well. Hmmmm.....
Merry X'mas and have a safe trip to and from Devon.
Have a great Christmas!
We were worried about you when we heard about the fog. Mum was singing an old song that goes," A Foggy Day in London Town,". She says to be extra careful driving as fog is very tricky to drive in-sometimes there are icy patches on the road during winter.
We hope you have a wonderful holiday and she's trying to cuddle you through the computer again...
Be safe on your trip and enjoy your family.
Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!
DaisyMae Maus
Love and purrs,
Princess Mia
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