Friday, March 30, 2007
Floofy Friday Again
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Relaxing Together

Monday, March 26, 2007
ManCat Monday

Friday, March 23, 2007
Floofy Friday

Sunday, March 18, 2007
Lazy Sunday Afternoon

P.S. Today is Mother's Day here in the UK, so I gave my mum some especially big sloppy licks to wake her up this morning - I know she appreciated it!
Monday, March 12, 2007
I Spy Spring

Haven't seen any of my frogs yet, but there are lots of birds twittering. I am glad Spring is in the air.
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Thank You, and My Meme
With the old lady who used to be my human.
At an RSPCA rescue centre.
At The Chestnut Cat Sanctuary.
In my furrever home.
B) Four things I love to watch:
My humans eating.
Frogs in my pond.
My mum serving up my dinner.
My humans reading newspapers.
C) Four places I have been outside my home:
The v-e-t.
Devon Grandma’s house.
Cornish Grandma’s house.
Kitty Jail.
D) Four websites I visit daily:
E) Four of my favorite foods:
Feline Greenies.
Stinky Goodness, especially fish and chicken flavours.
People food, especially cheese, ham and butter.
F) Four places I would rather be right now:
Snuggling and drooling on my mum.
In my fleecy bed next to the radiator.
On my dad’s pillow licking his delicious hair.
Hugging my Scratchy Mouse.
Four toys I have owned and played with:
Giant Scratchy Mouse.
Snacky Mouse (the one I can get treats out of)
Long stick with yellow feathers on it.
Yellow string tied to one of the dining-chairs.
H) Four nicknames my family have called me:
Fatso Catso.
Floofy Boy.
Cuddly Boy.
I) Regarding Catnip:
Love it
It's nice
Could take it or leave it
Don't like it or can't have it
J) Regarding Cat Grass:
Love it
It's nice
Could take it or leave it – I prefer real grass in my garden
Don't like it or can't have it
M) Four things I want to do this summer:
Chase frogs in my garden.
O) What I’m going to do before tomorrow is over:
Lick my dad’s hair.
Climb on my mum’s lap and snuggle.
Shed my floofy hair everywhere.
Eat as much as possible.
Q) Four other "pets" your staff have kept with you:
My sister Hattie.
Giant African Land Snails.
Sunday, March 04, 2007
A Traumatic Experience
My humans went away for the weekend to stay with some old friends in Eastbourne. They arranged with Uncle Andrew and his sticky little people to come in on Saturday night and Sunday morning to feed me. My humans fed me on Saturday morning early before they left. Then my mum kissed me on the head and told me to be a good boy and look after the house while they were away. They left and I snuggled up in my fleece bed for a good sleep. I slept nearly all day and then I woke up feeling peckish, so I went looking for dinner. I finished off the crunchies and waited for Uncle Andrew to arrive to give me my stinky goodness. I waited...and waited...and got dark...HE DIDN'T COME!!! I curled up for the night with my tummy rumbling - no dinner!
On Sunday morning I got up early and had a drink of water and waited for Uncle Andrew to come and give me my breakfast. I waited...and waited...and waited...HE DIDN'T COME! I was so hungry! I know I have (ahem!) some fat to survive off, but I am not used to going without my breakfast and dinner! I did have water but I was not happy with the empty food bowl...

Well, at about 2 PM the door opened and Uncle Andrew's wife rushed in. She started hugging me and apologising that I hadn't had any dinner or breakfast. You see, Uncle Andrew got taken ill and was rushed to hospital and his wife and the sticky little people were so worried about him that they forgot they were supposed to be feeding me. They were very sorry when they remembered me and my rumbling stomach. So I got my Saturday dinner in the middle of Sunday afternoon.
When my humans got back at about 6 PM on Sunday I had to tell them all about it and they were horrified to think about my hungriness. Of course, they were worried about Uncle Andrew too.
I got double dinner tonight and lots of treats, so I am feeling better now. Uncle Andrew is still in hospital but he is feeling a bit better too.
My humans said there was a cat in the house where they were staying who looked exactly like Kismet, a Big Man Cat tabby with big whisker humps. He was skinny, not fat like me. He was called Kiff. This explains why my humans smelt of Strange Kitty again.